Tuesday, 8 May 2012

CORBLIMEY Discount Away!

the sun is shining and we are feeling in a rather chirpy mood, because of this and because you have all been so patient with the lack of updates, we are giving you 30% off everything on our shop

CORBLIMEY I hear you say! this is the code you will need to use to get your wee (big) discount.


I would if I was you, these Honksvillains may never return again.
(we are making changes)

Friday, 14 October 2011

Etsy Love

We love so many shops on Etsy and thought we would share some of our absolute favourites with you, hope you don't mind?

Sarah McNeil - unique pet portraits and much more! Her work puts a big smile on our faces, have a peep Sarah McNeil


Sweetbestiary - Beautifully quirky hand sculptured/painted clay products, all of these creatures are to be admired for quite some time. Oh to be a sweet beast! Chop chop, go admire sweetbestiary

Rabbit Portal - Awesomely illustrated products, colourful and creative. We think these chaps above would look spectacular in anyones home. go see for yourselves Rabbit Portal

Nicola Rowlands - Well if you know us then you know we love a bit (lot) of facial furniture! Nicola certainly ticks our box when it come to that. Everybody needs a pocket manfriend in the lives. Off you pop Nicola Rowlands

Jimbob Art - Foxy indeed, we love any bit of ceramic that James has put his mark on but the piece of the moment has to be the stackable espresso cups above, wowzers!!! Plenty more where this came from, ah go on Jimbob Art

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Renegade Fair - We will be there!

Super excited about this, 28 more get ups until we are there...eeeeeeek! new wonderful wares aplenty for all of you to feast your eyes on. Be there or...be sad you missed it!   

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Working 12 till 12!!

Check out our special guest helper, Daphne did a great job chasing everything that moved!

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Busy Bees

We have been busy lately making new wonderful wares, have a look!                                                           




You can buy all of these newbies and more by taking a cyber trip to our online shop.

PS. we are having a sale too, so you can grab your self a bargain!!!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Another Fabulous event!

If you don't make an appearance at this event you'll certainly regret it! 

All you need to bring is one little pound for entry (and maybe a bit of pocket money for a treat or two), so get digging down the back of the sofa. 

We'll see you there XXX